3 days in Yellowstone

Going to  Yellowstone was quite an experience. It was one of the only place (with the Grand Canyon) where I wanted to go when I thought about the US. At the beginning of September, we spent 3 days in this HUGE park. We woke up early, drove a lot, walked a lot too. How can I tell Yellowstone? Let’s start with some pictures…

Old Faithful, Yellowstone National Park - public Old Faithful, Yellowstone National Park Grand Geyser - Yellowstone National Park Castle Geyser - Yellowstone National Park Danger - Yellowstone National Park Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park Yellowstone National Park Imperial Geyser - Yellowstone National Park Voiture Geyser Yellowstone

Yellowstone Grand Canyon

Le grand canyon de Yellowstone 1 Le grand canyon de Yellowstone Grand canyon de Yellowstone - Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone geological craziness

Grand Prismatic Spring - Yellowstone National Park Mammoth Hot Springs - Yellowstone National Park 1 Thermophiles - Mammoth Hot Springs - Yellowstone National Park Mammoth - Yellowstone 2 Mammoth - Yellowstone Painter Pot - Yellowstone National Park Mudpot gif fumerolles - Yellowstone National Park Norris Geyser Basin - Yellowstone National Park - pool Norris Geyser Basin - Yellowstone National Park Fumerolles - Yellowstone National Park 1 Norris Geyser Basin - Yellowstone National Park 1 Hot springs - Yellowstone National Park

Gibbon Valley

Gibbon Meadows - Yellowstone National Park Gibbon Falls - Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone lake

Lac Yellowstone - Yellowstone national park Lac Yellowstone - Yellowstone national park 1

Sunset in Yellowstone

Firehole Canyon Drive - Yellowstone National Park 1 Firehole Canyon Drive - Yellowstone National Park Sunset in Yellowstone

Our road trip so far:

Road trip Yellowstone

To be continued at Grand Teton National Park…



Rédactrice, grande organisatrice et réseau socialite du Blog de Mathilde. Quand je ne suis pas devant un écran, j'organise des visites guidées de Boston, là où j'ai fondé ma petite entreprise Boston le nez en l'air. Je suis aussi auteure de nombreux guides de voyages, de livres de yoga et de jeux chez des éditeurs français. Suivez-moi sur Instagram, Facebook ou Pinterest.

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