Search Results for: velo

Les hobbies whats next

Qu’est-ce qu’un “bon” hobby ?

…avec la question de l’âge et de la midlife développée dans cette deuxième saison de What’s Next ? Depuis le début de la nouvelle saison, le sujet s’affine. Je crois bien être en train de parler du temps qui passe, plus que d’âge. Le…

Sarah lachhab

Ep. 9 / Tout plaquer pour vivre à l’étranger – Sarah vit et travaille en Ecosse

…ce pays et a tout fait tout pour y vivre et y développer son activité professionnelle, qui s’est dessinée au fil des années. Vous pouvez retrouver Sarah sur son blog French Kilt et sur Instagram French_Kilt. Et puis on parle de ce concept de “late bloomer”, autrement dit de faire les choses plus tard que les autres, ne pas se conformer aux attentes de la société en temps voulu, vivre…

What’s next

…de ce qui nous motive et ce qui nous rebutede développement personnel, de coaching, de thérapie, de la place de nos émotionsde vie publique / vie privée, des autres et du rapport aux autres, de la solitudedes études, de la formation continue, de stagesde vieillir, du corpsde story telling,…

Living in Canberra in Australia // Chercheurs d’Oz’ blog

…is our diary, a great way of reminding every marvelous things, laughters or issues with the language we have. It’s the best way to keep a fresh eye and to stay curious. It’s a bond with our families and friends, and with new other people. It’s our way to share “our” Australia. And it’s also a…

10 reasons to love Boston

I’ve been living in Boston for about 2 years. At first we left here “just to see”. And eventually we’ll stay two more years. These past 2 years went by really fast: I can still picture myself going out of the airport completely freezing at the beginning of January 2012. We haven’t been…

The really giant sequoias // The Grizzli Giant in Yosemite

…last but not least, fires are important to develop younger sequoias, the seeds in the cones opened fall on the floor which has became fertile thanks to the fire (= slash-and-burn cultivation). We saw unique and very impressive trees, such as the Grizzli Giant, a 2 700 years old tree (that’s…

Mathilde’s blog – Living in Boston, traveling in the United States

…several years, I juggled with writing and developping my company Boston le nez en l’air. In April 2020, to cope with the pandemic – there was no international travel! I launched a blog subscription on Patreon. This paid subscription was taken up by almost 150 people, over a period of more…

Fall to-do list // 5 things I don’t want to miss

Let’s face the truth: fall is coming. And already here actually. First thing to say about it, I’ve never seen so far seasons so well “organized”: the day before fall, it looks like a summer day and on the first day of fall, I could already feel some slight differences: wind and chilly air – which…