February 2013

Team building in Arizona!

When I said to my friends that I was going on a team building trip for 3 days, they were surprised that I was so happy about it. Team building may sound like the dullest

Brain challenge: understand time zones

I didn’t really need to think about that when I was in France, but since I’m living in Boston, understand the time zones has been a mental challenge for me. And for our friends and

Classic American Musicals

Sometimes, I wish that life could be a musical. I would wear a huge dress, a small scarf around the neck and a red lipstick. I would sing in the metro, splash in puddles, everything

Boston under the snow

Last week, a huge snow storm hit Boston. As if we were kids, we were so happy about the city being covered by snow, so we went out and enjoyed a long walk. I gathered a bunch

My first blizzard in Boston

After more than one year living in Boston, here it is: our very first blizzard. It’s not only a storm, it’s also chilly and with violent winds: the kind of weather that makes us want

The American positive attitude in winning over me

Trying to be part of the American society means that I have to let go some old french habits like complaining. I need to become full of love for everyone, smile, be a better person.