What’s your name again ? // American names

It’s not nice to make fun of names, it’s like making fun of the physical aspect of somebody. Anyway, French people who have American names  (Kevin, Dylan, Jessica, etc.): this is funny, and I’m shamefully always giggling about them. I was wondering if once I’d lived in the US, I’d found every names very funny. But no. I mean, not all the time. Star kids have funny names, it’s true (I admit: I like this kind of slideshow), but usually, people have “normal” names, let’s say different. The problem is not really to have a name as Brenda or Brandon. No, the true issue is to pronounce a name properly so it doesn’t look that strange. It takes time for people to recognize their name when I’m calling them with my strong French accent. I tried once to call a friend, Kyle, but it was hopeless, he never looked back.I always have a hard time when I need to pronounce my name in an American way. When I order a coffee or I check in before yoga, I have to say my name (common mistake: when I was new here, I gave my last name, that’s how it works in France), usually people don’t get it, I repeat it over, and finally I spell it. The worst thing for me is on the phone: when I have to give my name, Manu’s name (a very long one), and our address: it’s true hell. M for Mickael, A for Astrid, T for Thomas… I don’t even know enough English names to do that.

But it’s not entirely my fault: an American friend of mine has a Japanese name, and sometimes people don’t get it either, so he gives his middle name, way easier. Mine is Françoise, I’m not sure it will help me.



Rédactrice, grande organisatrice et réseau socialite du Blog de Mathilde. Quand je ne suis pas devant un écran, j'organise des visites guidées de Boston, là où j'ai fondé ma petite entreprise Boston le nez en l'air. Je suis aussi auteure de nombreux guides de voyages, de livres de yoga et de jeux chez des éditeurs français. Suivez-moi sur Instagram, Facebook ou Pinterest.

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