Discover Boston

Life in Boston, our favorite neighborhoods, daily life, walks in the city…

Burgers in the USA

The Tasty Burger sign at night is like an urban lighthouse. When you came closer, it looks like ordinary fast-food which takes place in a old gas station but actually inside it’s more like a

Bye bye 2012 // One year in the United States…

2012 was full of changes, we met a lot of people, did awesome trips and experienced a new American way of life (well, sort of… it’s hard to get rid of some French habits). Are

Christmas Spirit

It’s our first Christmas in the United States. We decided a long time ago to not coming back to France – too expensive, not enough time and pretty complicated since our families lived in different

Visit New England // 5 ideas

A few weeks ago, Gabrielle from HostelBookers blog contacted me to ask me to write article about New England and Boston. The first of the serie is now out! 

Stand up comedy and Louis CK

I love watching TV shows, using always the same excuse: it improves my English (yeah, even with Gossip Girl). I used to follow a blog – Le Monde des séries, because this guy said that

Trick or treat // Halloween night in the streets of Boston

October 31st, my first Halloween in the United States. We usually don’t celebrate Halloween in France: “commercial” and “it’s not our tradition” are the two main arguments for being blase about it… But here, it’s huge.

Salem // Halloween, witches and old mansions

Salem, the witch town, is not far away from Boston.  Hurricane Sandy was getting close,we thought that we didn’t have much time left to visit this city, famous for Halloween celebrations. It was now or

Things to do in Boston // My 8 must-see sights

Welcome to my blog! My name is Mathilde, and I’ve been living in Boston since 2012. I organize guided tours in French of my new city, Boston. On this blog, you’ll find many articles to

Fall in New England // Mohawk Trail

On my Fall to-do list, the first thing for me to do was: enjoying the Fall Foliage in New England. I know it may sounds an obscure thing to do – specially because the words