I’ve tried the Whole30 in January

Last November, I did some groceries shopping in a organic shop with a friend; we ended up talking about nutrition. My friend is really careful about what she eats, for health reasons. She mentioned the

(Utah) Kodachrome

Here is another story from the road trip in the American South West last summer. Kodachrome was just a quick stop in between bigger stops, we camped there and hiked just a bit. But there’s not real a

Monday Morning #71

I just have one episode left to watch of Planet Earth II, and I’ll have to wait a few more years to see another series of these great nature documentaries. Each of the six episodes

Monday Morning Hello 2018!

I usually write the Monday Morning in a coffee shop near my place, but this Sunday morning was way to cold to get out, even with a ton of warm winter gear. Manu just asked

(rewind) Bye Bye 2017!

On New Year’s Eve, we are used to go around the table with whomever we spend the night and ask: what was your best day of the year? What was your worst day? It’s a

(recap 2017) 10 novels I loved this year

The Christmas vacation has always been, at least when I was a child, boring. It was cold, and the only thing I had to do was to read the many books that my grandparents gave

Monday Morning #69

It’s been a cold week, not the worst Bostonian cold ever, but there were some negatives temperatures – celsius-wise. I’m still biking during the day, and biking when it’s windy has been a challenge. I

(nanowrimo) My experience of writing a novel in 30 days

Last November, I’ve participated to a writing challenge called Nanowrimo, standing for National Novel Writing Month. A novel is just defined by the number of words,  50,000, the genre does not matter, and the challenge is to

Bling Bling: Christmas at the Newport mansions

Don’t you want – sometimes – a shot of bling bling? To pretend that there’s a world where it’s totally fine to decorate a house with 35 trees? Enjoy it, because the illusion only lasts

Monday Morning // Weekending

Friday night: I invite a few friends over for a raclette cheese party. Trader Joe’s a.k.a. Trader Jacques only sell this French cheese 2 months a year. When I bought 4 small boxes, the cashier